For your about page, the biggest thing that will help: structure.
If you structure it correctly, you’ll bring your audience through a journey, explain why you’re the best brand to work with, and by the end, have them convinced to work with you.
If you haven’t answered these questions yet – or haven’t thought about the strategy for your about page – have a nosy at how to write an engaging about page. This will walk you through my method for creating an about page – and the key is not writing until you’ve planned it all out.
So if you have your key messaging in place – and you know what you want to write. You now need to know how to structure it.
All good things have a beginning, a middle and an end, but we should go a few steps further with an about page.
So, here’s how to structure an about page:
1. Pick a key message and stick to it
What do you do in a nutshell? Your about page should have one clear message. Yes, you can expand on it and fill it with other points to explain – but it should all point to one theme.
For me, it’s simplifying your message and making it engaging.
2. Outline your client’s key problem
The most important thing to remember: your about page isn’t actually about you. No really, it’s about your customer.
You want the entire page to be structured around how you are solving their problem, what you will do for them.
Always have this at the back of your mind while writing.
3. Show them you have a solution
Next, you want to demonstrate you have the solution. Let’s say you’re a bespoke web designer: your client has used templates in the past and built their own site, but now, their business is growing. They want it fully branded and bespoke design now. They’ve outgrown the do-it-yourself websites and need something custom.
So this is where you describe that problem and solution:
“Your website should fit around you, not the other way around.
Have you always DIY-ed your website? Some of the templates are fantastic, but once your business starts to grow, you’ll notice these are fairly limited in capabilities. In fact, you want to add this and that, but you can’t under the constraints of the template. Plus, you’re branding is developing and you want a bespoke website that gives you exactly what you need.
That’s where I come in. I offer bespoke website design, We’ll explore your vision and for your website and make it come to life.”
4. Explain who you are
This is where you describe your business.
What services do you offer? How does it work? Where are you based?
The key is keeping this section concise. People don’t want to read pages and pages about what you do. They just need a straight to the point snapshot of your business.
5. Why you can help them
The most important part: why should they use you? This is where you convince them that you’re the person for the job.
You want to describe your experience, your knowledge, your training, the results you’ve got for your clients, maybe include some testimonials.
Be really specific.
6. What it’s like to work with you
You basically want to address every issue they might have. Put their mind at ease about what it’s like to work with you. Let them know what to expect – and this includes personality.
What is your brand personality? If someone was to work with you, what are you like on the phone, what are you like to chat to?
It’s not only about what you do, but also how you do it. There are lots of copywriters out there. If I only said “I write web copy” over and over again, why would someone choose me over the other thousands out there? It comes down to me as a person and as a brand.
There are many different brands out there with similar services,
often it’s your personality that sets you apart.
For me, most of my clients are drawn to the fact that I’m so friendly – and so is my copy. It’s normally:
“I saw your website and the tone is exactly what I’m looking for. And I’ve been following you on Instagram and love your slightly mad personality. I want to work with you because I think it’ll be fun.”
7. What to do next
Now you’ve got a lovely structured post. Excellent. Your reader has read the full thing. Excellent. They want to work with you. REALLY excellent. But what now?
Don’t give them a chance to click away. You need to tell them what to do next.
‘Sick of working around your web template? Let’s build that bespoke website you’ve always dreamed of – contact me now’ – and include a big contact button!
Make it ridiculously obvious what they should do next. I’ve also seen about pages which also say things like “Still need convincing? Have a look at my recent work” Then include a link to that. It’s a nice approach. It continues to break down objections and shows that you’re the one for the job.
Here’s an example:
In the most condensed version possible, here’s what I could write on my about page by following this structure.
Can you spot the key problems, solutions, who I am and why to use me?
It’s hard to refine your own message. You’re so involved in your own business that it can be hard to see the bigger picture. How do you know whether you’ve made your message clear – or whether you’ve overdone it and actually confused your audience?
Your message needs to be crystal clear.
Sometimes all it takes is an outsider. Someone who isn’t involved in the day-to-day running of your business. Someone to take an objective look at your business – and see that bigger picture. That someone is me.
And who am I? I’m Jennifer: a copywriter whose speciality is refining messages. I make it super clear. I convince your audience that they need your services.
But, how do you know I’m the right person for the job? Because I also have a background in marketing: I understand ‘consumer behaviour’. I know how to sell. I know how to create strategies and tactics and outline your target audience. With over 5 years as a copywriter and 4 years at uni learning marketing, I’m well-placed. Plus, I write in a super friendly way – which is very engaging and people love it 😉
Just look at some of these testimonials:
“WOW. Jennifer, you are the greatest person who ever lived… or wrote….”
“You are the greatest copywriter of all time. Everyone should use you.”
(Yeah, I did actually write those myself haha)
Copywriting isn’t just about words. It’s about building the strategy and having your overall message spelt out so clearly that people are in no doubt.
Would you like copy like that? I can do it for you. Have a nosy at my website copywriting service to find out more.
…. and that’s my call to action complete too 😉
Once you’ve written it, use my FREE download for simple tricks to make your copy super engaging. See the big box below with my face in it 😉