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You’re here for one reason: you need someone who’s amazing with words.

Perhaps you don’t feel your existing message is selling your brand the way it could be. Or maybe you’re launching something totally new and want to nail that tone of voice.

  • You’re looking for content that’s fun, engaging and tells your brand story
  • You want your copy to tell people why they should choose you
  • You want to perfect your brand message and strike that balance of friendly yet professional

You’re in the right place because that’s exactly what I do.

Here’s how we can work together… 


90-min call: Get a review of your content

Book a 90-min video call to go over your brand, messaging, content, website and/or social media. Your chance to ask questions, and get feedback on your content.

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Website copywriting

Are you looking to hire an expert website copywriter? Whether it’s a rewrite or a brand new website, I can work with you to craft your brand message and have people ready to buy from you.

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Full package

Get the full spectrum of messaging help: tone of voice development, website copy, social media guidelines. Everything you need in one package.

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Tone of voice guidelines

How do you want your brand to come across? Let’s work on your tone of voice and brand messaging, so you can create a consistent style across all platforms.

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