Write your own web copy & perfect your messaging
Free yourself from the never-ending frustration.
Because I see you. Putting off writing your website copy. Telling yourself you’ll do it tomorrow. Or next month. Or in 6 months…
Trust me, you’re not alone. Everyone does it – even me and I’m a copywriter! But it doesn’t have to be this way.
But it’s always “tomorrow” because there’s a reason you’re putting it off:
- You don’t know what to write
- It seems too daunting
- You’re not sure what information to include or how to structure it
- You’ve tried to write it but you’re going round in circles
- You aren’t ready to invest in a copywriter yet
So, you’re stuck in this never-ending cycle and will continue to avoid it until something changes – or until someone gives you the push you need. And that someone is me.
Let me introduce you to my NEW, one-time-only LIVE workshop: ’write your own website copy’.

Together, we’ll take it step-by-step. You’ll have your website copy written in a few days. And it’s going to be amazing.
I know how frustrating it feels trying to write your content. It feels like a never-ending battle with yourself. It becomes a mind-block. Something you put off. Something for another day. Something for when you’re “ready to invest” in 6 months.
But, what about right now?
How many clients are you missing out on right now because you’re holding off on promoting your website or business?
You could have those clients 6 months earlier. Think how much income that would generate – with just one or two more clients per month. The ROI would be huge! (Speaking from personal experience, I made 180% ROI within 3 weeks of publishing my new website!)

Is this workshop for me?
Have you been nodding along, thinking yes, this sounds like me? Then this workshop is perfect for you.
- You’ve been avoiding writing your website copy
- You feel stuck with writing
- You don’t feel ready to invest in a copywriter yet
This workshop is designed for you. Because I don’t want you to feel burdened by your website messaging anymore.
And an added bonus?
This workshop won’t just help your website copy; it’ll shape your messaging for everything you do. Instagram stories, Facebook posts, adverts, sales emails – any form of communication.
It is the building blocks for all your messaging. Once you understand what to write – and how to write it – the rest will follow and you can use the same formula again and again. This will bring you new clients – because you’ll know exactly how to talk about your offers.

Why? Because I know you feel exasperated with your copy.
Even when you tell yourself, “Today is the day. I’m getting this copy written,” you spend time on Google, searching for blog posts, ideas of how to structure each page and general inspiration. It doesn’t help you get over that hump. You still feel lost.
Because the last thing you need is more ‘advice’ or ‘how to’s…
What you need is someone to take you through it step-by-step. Someone who’ll be with you while you create it. Someone to offer advice. Someone to hold you accountable.

- So, this isn’t a ‘how to’ lecture or more ‘advice’?
Nope, this is a ‘step-by-step’ / ‘do it with me’ programme, broken into manageable tasks. Because that’s how you get your website copy finished. By the end of this workshop, your copy will be ready to go.
- This isn’t a website template you can download from Google
This is me taking you through my own process (as a professional copywriter) so you can write your own content too – and I’m here supporting you every step of the way. Your content will be entirely unique to you and your business.
- This isn’t a ‘here’s a list of things to include on your website’
This is the full works, guiding you through perfecting your messaging, services and key messages. After 3 sessions, you’ll know your business inside out – so you can actually use this on any future messaging (like emails, blog articles, social media posts).
- This isn’t a pre-recorded video training
This is a LIVE workshop via Zoom. That means you won’t get overwhelmed as we’ll go at the pace of the group. Plus, this is the ONLY time I’m doing it live – so now is your chance to ask questions and shape the conversation to suit your needs.
Meet Jenn – the friendly face behind the workshop
Hello, if you don’t already know me, I’m Jenn 🙂 This might surprise you, but what I love most about being a copywriter isn’t writing; it’s helping people craft their message – and after 5 years as a copywriter & marketer, I’ve become a master at it.
There’s a science to everything on your website – in the workshop, we’ll touch on elements of sales psychology, top copywriting advice, “power words”, UX, UI, branding, colours – I’ve done a lot of research so I know this inside out. I’m here to support you – and use these techniques to help you craft your message. I’ll take you step-by-step; we’ll do it together.
I want to support you, even if you’re not ready to invest in an expert copywriter yet. I don’t want price to hold you back from having an amazing message on your website. This is why I created this workshop. So you can have my copywriting expertise; no matter what stage your business is at.

“This is exactly what I need, but I’ll do it in a few months.”
“I’ll do it tomorrow”. I hear you and I’ve been there myself. When something becomes a stumbling block, it’s natural (and normal!!) to put it off. I resisted for 9 months before I invested in my website. When I finally did, I made 180% ROI in just 3 weeks of going live – and now sitting at 864% ROI. Don’t make the same mistake I did.
Because tomorrow has arrived. It’s time you felt confident with your messaging. It’s time you stopped holding back on promoting your business because your website isn’t ready… If you make that decision today, and you manage to get one more client per month – how much money would you have made in 6 months?
If your average service/project is £500, that’s an extra £3,000 in 6 months (an ROI of 659%). What?! That’s unbelievable. Imagine how amazing that’s going to feel. “Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?” Exactly 😉
Also, to remind you, this is a one-time LIVE workshop. I will not be running this LIVE again. So this is your one opportunity for my undivided attention. Your chance to ask questions at any time. Your chance to shape how I support you. Your chance to have everything you need.

Write your own website copy from start to finish (and perfect your brand messaging while you’re at it!)
LIVE group training through Zoom. I’ll lead you through the content & workbook. Between each session, you can complete the workbook and work on your copy.
3x LIVE video training on: April Mon 19, Thu 22 and Thu 29. Each session will be approx. one hour (and they’ll be recorded incase you miss one)
Zooooom 🙂
The programme:
Day 1: Mon 19
Getting clear on your business and crafting your key messages
Day 2: Thu 22
Planning your website and writing your copy
Day 3: Thu 29
Reviewing your copy and top tips for going forward
What’s included:
- 3x one-hour group calls (worth £600)
- My process for writing website copy (worth £197)
- My feedback & recommendations (worth £250)
- Live Q&A time with me (worth £197)
- Your website copy ready to go (priceless)
- ALL this for £397 (total value £1,244 saving £849)
The workshop is only open for bookings until 7th April 🙂
Don’t miss out on your chance to enrol.
The workshop is only open for bookings until 7th April 🙂
Don’t miss out on your chance to enrol.
It’s time you felt confident with your messaging
And when you do, you’ll no longer avoid sending people to your website. You’ll stop neglecting your blog. You’ll be clear on your business and you’ll be buzzing to promote your business again.
No more procrastinating
No more putting it off. Don’t let your website copy get the better of you; you’re in charge of it. You’ve got this. I believe in you ? Let’s get it out there.

It’s time for action
- Click ‘Book my space‘
- You’ll be taken to a payment page to secure your spot
- I’ll send you an email with your receipt and Zoom links
- Before each session, I’ll send a reminder email with the workbook so you can follow along
- Your website copy will be ready to go live – and you can feel exhilarated promoting your business again 🙂

Don’t allow your website copy to hold you back.
It’s time to take action. Book your space in the workshop today for £397