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Copywriting; it’s not just words.

The fact you’re here tells me one thing:
you want to nail your website copy.

Anyone can write words. Anyone can say: “This is my offer. This is what’s included.” But copywriting? It’s a completely different thing.

It’s about delving deeper. It’s about showing people why they need you. It’s about creating a story that makes people say “Yes! This is the person I need to work with” or “Yes! This is the product I’ve been waiting for.” 

It’s marketing. It’s psychology. It’s research. It’s branding. And when done right, it’s extremely powerful.

Hello, I’m Jennifer Lynn (or Jenn because I love to keep things friendly). And I specialise in website copywriting and brand messaging

Because I’m not just a writer; I’m a strategic copywriter who knows exactly how to get your message across.

With a background in marketing, I understand sales psychology. I get ‘consumer behaviour’ (how people act). I know how to sell. I know what questions and objections people will have. I know what to say, so you don’t have to.

Because with over 5 years’ experience as a copywriter (and 4 years at university studying marketing), I’m an expert at crafting brand messages.

Plus, I write in a super friendly way – which is very engaging and people love it ?

You know what else?
I’m an over-thinker.

Don’t worry, it’s not a bad thing. In fact, it’s my greatest asset as a copywriter.

I think about all the possibilities. I think about what questions people would have about your offers. I think about how to convince people you’re the one.

Basically, I over-think your brand so you don’t have to.

Because I know writing copy can feel baffling. Every client I speak to says the same thing. They’re struggling to express their message. They’re struggling to find the words. They’re sorry for rambling. Please never apologise for rambling!

I love listening to your ideas and I’m great at deciphering your thoughts for you. That’s what I’m here for. I pull all your thoughts together to create one cohesive message people will understand.

Jenn, what’s with the penguins? 

Penguins are robust wee things. They brave an ever-changing environment, they work together, they’re intelligent, they’re up for a laugh, and they like sliding on the ice.

A perfect symbol for me and my business. I, too, like to collaborate and ‘huddle’ with your creative team, putting our ideas together, working collaboratively – and generally having fun each step of the way.  

Oh, and penguins are black and white too.
Wow, it’s all come together so well! It’s almost like I did that on purpose…

And a few fun facts about me:

I’m Jennifer Lynn: a website copywriter from Glasgow

Love: My standing desk & fluffy, puppy Clementine

Always: Smiling & killing plants (not at the same time though… that’s a little psychotic)

Fanatic about: The power of words & Taylor Swift

Favourite quote: “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have” Oscar Wilde

Favourite thing about being a copywriter: Seeing my clients’ reactions

Stuart Wood
1500 Photography
Client’s reaction:

This is TERRIFIC!! Thank you! What stands out (apart from your warmth and friendliness!) is your instinctual grasp of the subject and what is required. The copy is far beyond what I had hoped for.

Ross Donald
Reverie Films
Client’s reaction:

You’ve done a fantastic job. I love the way you’ve taken our discussions and brought a voice to it. I always struggle with copy, and detailing exactly what it is we do. But you’ve managed to get that across, striking the balance between friendly and professional. Great job ? I’m really happy with it all

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